Was cruising along my memories and I remembered a phrase that friendship is just a game. I can’t seem to recall where I got it from but is friendship just a mere game between humans?
Interactions between human kinds are important because sometimes we need others to help us out with certain stuff in which a single person will not be able to do. But what others have in their minds we may not know because it’s not easy to read one’s mind. Furthermore, certain people feel that being a loner is best because they don’t have to worry about cumbersome thoughts or problems.
Back to the statement above, is friendship some kind of game or perhaps a mind game?
There are no concrete reason to prove this because the conclusion that we may draw from it might apply to ourselves only and not others. It’s a very subjective matter. However, I do feel that friendship is like a mind game sometimes because you tend to guess what the other party is thinking and what they actually think about you and your personality. But playing mind games are not fun at all because at the end of the day, it’s really tiring because both people will try to outwit each other with their encased mind and thoughts.
So, is friendship really a game?
To those who have suffered ominously because of friends, they will say that it’s definitely a game then again some may not agree with people with those thoughts. Why is it similar to a game?
Well, in friendship, every one has to give and take and they have to be tolerant and patience at times too. Forcing something or taking all the time without giving will not work as well. It work both ways actually. The theory applies the same towards relationships too. It’s unavoidable, the give and take attitude and also, the core of everything, respect.
Friendships are just like a game because when your friends move forward or they advance to another stage, then you should too. Why? It’s really simple because if they are willing to put more ahead of them that means they are willing to take your friendship a little higher than it was before. Plus, the more they move forward, your friendship with them will blossom with each forwarding step that you take and them as well. However, if they stopped moving forward at a certain period, you should stop moving too because that is the time when everything has been said indirectly that this relationship is only till this level. It may not go as far as you want it to be no matter how many steps you’ve put forward.
So it’s basically like a game of moving forward, backwards, and halt. It may not sound correct and illogical but this is what I feel and have in mind about friendships are just games in reality.
I would love to hear your thoughts about this matter. And is friendship just a game in reality to you?